
Are you searching for Townsville Plasterers or Plastering in Townsville? Well you have just found a wide range of professional Plasterers in Townsville who we feel confident in recommending to you.
Not exactly sure on what plasterwork really is? Well, plastering refers to the construction or ornamentation done with plaster, such as a layer of plaster on an interior wall or plaster decorating moulding on ceiling or walls.
You can browse through our range of honest and reliable Townsville Plasterers and select the one most suitable for you and then contact them regarding rates and costs, or if you are running short on time – we can contact them for you!
Our Plasterers in Townsville offer free quotes, advice and a guaranteed professional service.
Plasterers can provide a wide range of services, however they will vary from business to business. The services include, but not limited to:
- Renovations
- Cornices
- Plasterboard walls
- Partitions
- Internal Ceilings
- Framework (doors and windows)
- And more…
We ensure that all the Townsville Plasterers that are listed on our online directory are prompt, reliable, honest, clean and tidy and that they communicate openly and friendly with all clients. Therefore giving you peace of mind that you are going to receive a job well done.
Most qualified Plasterers in Townsville will have all the relevant qualifications/licenses, Insurances and experience to perform the tasks mentioned in their ad’s – we ensure that ours do.
Are you a leading, professional Plasterer in Townsville who prides themselves on a professional service? If you would like to expose your business to a captured market who are visiting the site regularly, then please feel free to contact us via the contact form, and one of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

Prime Interior Linings - Plastering Townsville
Prime Interior Linings can assist their customers in all aspects of Plastering!
Free quote, No Job Too Big or Too Small
- Commercial
- Suspended ceilings, framing, sheeting
- Insurance work
- Domestic new builds & renovations
- Water damage, cracks & cornice repairs
- Stipple ceilings
- Asbestos removal
- All work guaranteed

343 Plastering Townsville - Plastering Townsville
343 Plastering are able to provide their customers with:
- Plastering
- Renovations
- Partitions
- New homes
- Insurance
- Commercial Ceilings
- Insurance work
- Free quotes